Summer 2023
After a 3 year hiatus, Sheila is painting again. These watercolors are done on rough watercolor paper and include scenes at her new home in Lebanon, Ohio. The florals and landscapes range in size from 11 x 14 or 12 x 16.
2021- Works done before 2021 are now available for purchase on EVERYTHING BUT THE HOUSE, an auction website based in Cincinnati Ohio. (Search "Sheila Bonser art")
Register on the website below to be notified of upcoming auctions.
FITTON CENTER Members Art Show - April 14- June 29th, 2018
Click on the folio to see the 2 paintings in this show
NEW Watercolors- 2017
"Winterflight" collage will be exhibited at HAMILTON CURRENT Juried Show
at the FITTON Center for the Arts, Hamilton
Reception for the Artists Sat April 29, 5-7pm
NEW! watercolors from Spring to Fall 2016
painting season in Ohio is short- summer is far too brief and the autumn much too fleeting!
Mixed media collages from winter/ Spring 2016
ACRYLIC PAINTINGS from the second half of 2015
- the changing seasons on Gregory Creek
47th Annual Greater Hamilton Art Exhibition- MARCH 28 -MAY 15 2015
COLORS of HAIKU- dec 2014
a hardbound photo book of my haiku poems and artwork.
NEW FOLIO- Brooklyn Bridge collages- photos have re-emerged of two large collages that were lost in Hurricane Katrina
Collages of Winter 2014-
These were fun to work on and more complex then my past collages-
and provided a number of "aha" moments!
"Plein Air" watercolors and oil paintings of Gregory Creek, West Chester, Ohio 2007-2013
In the winter I work on the collages and in the spring, summer and fall I paint in plein aire at Gregory Creek which is at the bottom of my garden.
The next collection of oils will contain evidence of my recent "Ah Ha" moment which we all await.
All works are for sale on this website through PayPal or please contact me at Payment options can be arranged.
Anyone wishing to authenticate an artwork: please send a clear jpeg of your painting, collage or intaglio print to
and I will verify if it is my original artwork. Please be patient.
After attending art schools and universities around the country,
I graduated from Wright State University with a double BFA in
painting and printmaking.
From 1958- 1961 I was working in watercolor on the west coast of Florida.
I worked mainly in oils, printmaking and mixed media collage in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio from 1970-1981,
then moved to Louisianna and continued working in collage and mixed media and watercolor until 2005.
In August 2005 Hurrricane Katrina destroyed my studio and all the work therein.
I returned to the Ohio Valley in the winter of 2006 and resumed working in oils, watercolor and collage.
I recently moved to Lebanon Ohio and continue to be inspired by the country landscape around me.
Canadian Geese - watercolor on paper, 2023